- March 14, 2024
- in Commercial Cleaning, Office Cleaning, Professional Cleaning
- by Joshua Rollins
You hope you’ve screened your cleaners properly. You hope they do everything they say they do. But perhaps you’ve noticed a bit of build-up here, and some excess dust there. Even professional cleaning services don’t always get it right all the time. And, as their employer, you have every right to check their work and report any issues if you find their cleaning routine lacking.
With more than 50 years in the business, we at AHI Facility Services Inc. take pride in our thorough professional cleaning packages. If, however, you are wondering what to look for in your cleaning company (or are wondering if it might be time for a change), keep reading. We’re happy to review some of those commonly missed spots they may be missing.
Office Air Filters
Do you have a service checking your air filters on a regular basis? It is something often overlooked, especially in smaller businesses, but it is a very crucial chore nonetheless. While you might not put a lot of thought into your office’s air quality, it actually can make a difference!
Studies have shown that poorer air quality has resulted in less productive workers. Employees in the study made fewer phone calls and had poorer cognitive function on days when air quality was poor versus days when it was clear.
“Cognitive scores were on average 61% higher on days with better air quality and 101% higher on days with both improved air quality and ventilation,” reports the study. That is a pretty significant difference!
Air quality matters, and you can ensure your workers are getting the cleanest air possible when you ensure that air filters and ventilation ducts are periodically cleaned!
The Breakroom
If you asked your employees what the “dirtiest” part of cleaning office space would be, most would say the office bathrooms. When people think of the toughest parts, scrubbing toilets is usually pretty far up there on the “disliked chore” list.
But, they’d actually be wrong. Studies by the University of Arizona have shown that the office kitchen or breakroom often harbors even MORE bacteria than a shared bathroom! From deep cleaning surfaces, to scrubbing out the inside of that microwave, these jobs require a close attention to detail.
Not only can these areas be missed or skimped on by some cleaners, it can also be a space where cleaners matter. AHI, for instance, only uses approved cleaners, marked not only safe for humans but that are safe for the environment. Surfaces that will often handle food must be cleaned with safe products, designed for such space.
Computer Keyboards, Shared Devices
If you think kitchen counters require care, your office’s electronics may be even more important. Not only are these expensive pieces of equipment that require specialized care, but they can also be hot spots for germs, too. From keyboards to shared office necessities, such as printers, copy machines, and even the water cooler, can be incredibly dirty.
One study by Hloom reported that a copy machine’s start button and display screen alone can contain 1.2 billion colony-forming units (CFUs) per square inch. If that number doesn’t sound alarming enough, for comparison, the average public toilet seat has 3,200 CFU per square inch. Yikes!
These are not spaces you want your cleaners skipping over or ignoring. Yes, they require careful cleaning with approved products, but missing them could mean exposing your workers to a massive amount of germs!

The AHI Facility Services Difference
If you have concerns about your current cleaning services, or have noticed some overlooked nooks and crannies, it may be time for a change. We offer competitive rates for businesses big and small. We take the training of each employee very seriously, and no matter where they are hired to work, we coordinate all training operations for our new employees through our Dallas-based corporate offices.
All of AHI’s cleaning technicians are also updated with monthly modules focused on health, safety, and environmental updates. We keep each employee educated on changes, trends, and new information as soon as it is made available!
For more information on what AHI can do for you, call 800-472-5749 or email us at support@ahifs.com today!