What are Essential Services?

What are Essential Services?

Coronavirus is the name on everyone’s lips this Spring, and of course we all wish it wasn’t. Also known as COVID-19, this disease has become a global pandemic. Everyone in America is encouraged to do their part in minimizing the spread of the virus by staying home unless absolutely necessary.  In this time when COVID-19 is spreading rapidly and panic is looming for many, some states in the US have moved to only allowing businesses which provide essential services to stay open at their physical locations (working remotely from home is of course still allowed). But what is an essential service? 

Each state varies slightly. In Texas where we operate, these are the essential services as of March 28, 2020:

  • Doctor’s offices, hospitals, and other health services 
  • Grocery stores and food production businesses may stay open. Many have online ordering and pickup available so you don’t actually have to shop in store, and in some areas they offer delivery. There are several grocery delivery and food delivery apps that can also be helpful during this time. Some grocery stores are offering early shopping hours to their elderly and disabled patrons, so that they may shop stores that have just been cleaned and re-stocked, and not be exposed to as many other people. 
  • Pharmacies
  • Transportation services 
  • Houses of worship such as temples, churches, mosques, etc. will not be closed but will be limited to groups of 10 people or fewer, so attendance is greatly reduced. 
  • Liquor stores, breweries or bars selling to-go packages only. The same is true with restaurants — these may remain open but only for pickup or delivery.
  • Car repair shops
  • Firearm and ammunition shops and gun ranges

Non-Essential Services That Are Closed 

So, what facilities are closed? This list is not complete, especially since things are changing daily. Some of the services which are closed include:

  • National and State parks 
  • Beaches
  • Tanning salons, spas, hair and nail salons 
  • Movie theatres
  • Live theatres 
  • Bowling alleys 
  • Indoor and outdoor flea markets
  • Stadium and arena events like sports and concerts 
  • Game rooms 
  • Massage therapist offices
  • Gyms and other sports training facilities and fitness centers 
  • Swimming pools 
  • Tattoo parlors

Note that while these businesses are continuing to operate, they are encouraging employees to practice social distancing and proper handwashing and other hygiene practices. Each of these businesses can benefit from the additional safety and peace of mind a facilities service can provide. For example, at AHI Facilities Services, we have a specific set of requirements we go through to ensure your building has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. While there may be fewer workers in the businesses, it’s no time to relax cleaning practices. It’s more important now than ever that proper cleaning practices are performed on a routine basis. A facilities service can take that stress off of the employee’s plates and allow them to focus on their essential services. If you have any questions, we are here for you. Please reach out to us via our contact us page. 

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Please call now: (214) 741-3714

Toll Free: (800) 472-5749

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