• How to Prepare for Natural Disaster/Extreme Weather at Your Facility

    How to Prepare for Natural Disaster/Extreme Weather at Your Facility

    Severe weather events or natural disasters can sometimes arise, with little to no advanced warning, leaving you unprepared for the potential damage that can occur. Even if you are able to plan ahead there are many safeguards that simply get overlooked until it’s too late. Here are some precautions you can take to best prepare Read more

  • The Power of Disinfecting Spray Post Covid

    The Power of Disinfecting Spray Post Covid

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    Having clean workplaces is in some ways more important than a clean home when it comes to the spread of germs. Work places tend to have more shared spaces, a concentrated number of people all coming from different homes and potentially high traffic with visitors coming and going on a regular basis. The COVID pandemic Read more

  • Back to the Office? Here’s How to Stay Safe & Keep it Clean!

    Back to the Office? Here’s How to Stay Safe & Keep it Clean!

    Though COVID-19 continues to slam countries around the globe, in the United States vaccines have allowed us to safely resume many of our favorite public pastimes and work life. Now more than ever, keeping your office environment safe is extremely important for the health of your clients and for your employees.  Whether you’re eagerly anticipating Read more

  • How cutting-edge innovation impacts your company or facility

    How cutting-edge innovation impacts your company or facility

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    It is no secret that technology is changing the way we do business. From bots to apps and more, there is no industry that could not benefit from using elements of evolving technologies to create efficiencies in their business making services faster, better and even cheaper. Office cleaning, like so many other industries, is an Read more

  • Responsiveness to a Pandemic

    Responsiveness to a Pandemic

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    As businesses across America deal with the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting their practice, they continue to make efforts to keep their businesses safe. As some decided to conduct work completely remote, other businesses are finally starting to head back into their offices. Businesses need to prepare when it comes to the risks of Read more

  • How is Returning to School Affecting your Facility

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    Now more than ever, we have you in mind. As we ease into the not-so-new ‘normal,’ more and more precautions need to be taken so that students can learn and staff can operate without raising the risk of spreading COVID-19. There are a number of steps schools can and should take to stay safe. Some Read more

  • How Social Distancing Impacts Cleaning

    How Social Distancing Impacts Cleaning

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    The ongoing threat of the COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of proper cleaning, and to gain and keep the trust of your occupants, you will need to meet or surpass those standards. Your employees’ and occupants’ health has changed how the commercial cleaning process is done and how seriously it’s taken. Our mission… Read more

  • Create a COVID-Free Environment with the Protect98 System

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    Modern Solutions Here at AHI Facility Services Inc., your business’s health and safety are our top priorities. We are staying up to date on the most modern and advanced health technologies to bring to our customers in these unprecedented times.  The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way the world interacts. Face masks are a requirement Read more

  • The Hottest Commodity: Disinfectant Wipes

    Aren’t you glad that you can finally find toilet paper in stores? The mad rush that had everyone scrambling at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic is finally leveling off in that regard. However, disinfectant wipes are a different story. These have remained out of stock on most shelves and even on amazon. If you Read more

  • What are Essential Services?

    What are Essential Services?

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    Coronavirus is the name on everyone’s lips this Spring, and of course we all wish it wasn’t. Also known as COVID-19, this disease has become a global pandemic. Everyone in America is encouraged to do their part in minimizing the spread of the virus by staying home unless absolutely necessary.  In this time when COVID-19 Read more


What makes Cleanmate trusted above other cleaning service providers? When you combine higher standards, smarter strategies and superior quality all in one package, the result is top notch.